domingo, 6 de novembro de 2011

12 Strategies to generate more conversions in their infoproducts

If you are working to create their own products and sell them to your blog, is an ebook, a course or any other infoproduct, you necessarily have to know how to promote this product to generate sales and therefore income to your blog.

Although creating an Ebook can be a job that takes several months of preparation, both for the drafting of texts, such as the structuring of the entire ebook, development, paging, image, etc.., Promote your Ebook may be a strategy that takes years and that during this period allows you to create a revenue stream for your interesting blog. The same applies to any other infoproduct. But for that to happen, you need to use strategies to promote more accurate your infoproduct and get a really interesting flow of sales.


The first aspect to consider when promoting their infoproduct is to harness the potential of your blog, assuming you have one. Building an audience with a blog is one of the most effective ways to be able to generate income with their infoproducts because their readers are supposed to be his greatest followers, that audience really interested in buying your products and consume their information.

However having a blog is not enough. You must put your infoproduct in the face of its users, writing a paper analyzing the book and pointing out the advantages of the user to buy. As with the articles sponsored, your analysis should focus on the points and advantages of your infoproducts, and make your users feel the need to buy the product to become better informed on the subject you write, regardless of their area infoproduct. We have seen many bloggers to create infoproducts in several areas, such as money, gambling, freelancer, wordpress and many others, so the area is not the most important, but how you captive its users to buy their products.


If you have a website or a blog related to the niche market of your infoproduct, it is important that you take advantage of this potential to promote your product, generate traffic to the landing page of it, and consequently sales.

For this type of strategy is recommended that you develop one or two banners to use exclusively on your blog. That way you can promote your infoproduct in specific sections of your website / blog, without interfering with other activities in the project itself. When placing ads, always place them in strategic locations and usually highly visible, and point those ads for the sale of the product page.


Having an affiliate program for their infoproducts is undoubtedly one of the best strategies you can ever realize. However, an affiliate program is something that has its demands and requires some investment, so there are other interesting ways you advertise your product free of charge and with the help of its users. As for instance with a directory of blogs, many users who like the design, tend to promote it in their own blogs. The same happens with infoproducts. If you have a infoproduct quality, to offer its users the ability to help them to disclose that infoproduct through images and promotional banners. Create a kit banners in various sizes, and make it available to users who wish to help spread the product. You will be surprised with the results!


Imagine you have a infoproducts Make Money on the Internet, for example. Your target audience are bloggers, webmasters and freelancers who are trying to make money on the internet with their websites, blogs or even infoproducts too. These users / clients are present in social media, and you're losing money on them because they are not using the right strategies to make them get your message.

If you're at / search, you enter the search engine's official Twitter, which basically allows you to search everything you want, by sector including people, places, content, dates, etc.. This feature is very little explored by bloggers and webmasters who want to improve their income by selling infoproducts, but the truth is that there are many opportunities available in this social network as well as in others, such as Facebook, for example.

The more you position yourself as a user that in addition to helping others, is also a knowledgeable user in a particular subject, the more you will be able to attract new users to your network of followers and potential customers for their infoproducts. A Twitter user who was helped by you, the next time you need help, it will appeal to you because you are an authority in respect of that matter.

If you click the option "Advanced Search" will take you automatically to the advanced search engine of Twitter. Here, you can specify almost every detail of the research you want to perform on the network, dirname exact words or phrases, types of users, locations, different languages, among other options. Making accurate research on what you want, lets you get closer to the target users you are looking for, and mastery, make those users and customers loyal readers of your blog and / or its infoproducts.  

Twitter is extremely powerful for this type of marketing staff, and when properly used, can help you a lot to become an authority in relation to its niche market, and thus, help you leverage more quickly sales of their infoproducts. Never forget: there are millions of people who do not have the slightest idea who you are, and what you do. Run after them! 


If you want your infoproduct is sold by itself, you need some automatic processes properly structured so that the product promotion is happening repeatedly and your users can be aware of it.

Set which days you want to leave a message on Twitter and also on Facebook, and mark this process for every day of the week. For example: Post the same message on Twitter and Facebook all Tuesdays of the month. The regularity with which the message passes, it is important, because it is in the retina of the users and they sooner or later, will eventually join the message or simply kill the curiosity.

Twitter for example, you can put a message like Meet our Ebook Exercise for Bloggers and join more than 1500 successful bloggers [link]. By placing this message over and over all Tuesdays of the month, you are reinforcing the idea and marketised your Ebook in a way that your users to see and decide to interact / click.


Of all the strategies that exist to promote a infoproduct, there is none so powerful as the Email Marketing. A good email marketing campaign does wonders in converting readers into customers, and cash sales. There are many email marketing strategies to increase your newsletter list, but more important than the number of subscribers, is the quality of these subscribers. Consider the quality of your list and users who receive their messages, so that when you marketised infoproduct your e-mail, he get the sales you crave.


For anyone who sells a infoproduct of $ 34.90 for example, use Sponsored Search campaigns to sales is certainly a strategy to take into consideration. Create a Google Adwords campaign and target your ads properly sponsored, only for users who perform searches related issues that you address in your infoproduct. Considering an average CPC of $ 0.50, if you need 50 clicks to make a sale, you will be spending $ 20 to win $ 34.90, or $ 14.90 you'll be able to profit from the campaign. Obviously this is only data for example, because in fact, sponsored links campaigns optimized well, can return much better results and more profitable.


Truth be told, Facebook ads are a great way to generate sales infoproducts. A good campaign on Facebook, targeted interests of users, countries and locations, can help you get many sales in its infoproduct, or simply fans to their fan page on Facebook infoproducts (another interesting strategy). As with the Google Adwords Sponsored Links, segmentation is the most important part of the equation, and the results generated at the click may return gains stupidly high, when the campaign is carried out intelligently.


If you have in mind that a sponsored article costs $ 185, and that his infoproducts costs $ 34.90, for example, you just need to get 6 product sales to recoup their initial investment and start profiting from the campaign. Well, the same happens to other blogs in your area that also sell sponsored. Buy items, write an article about the product quality, and enjoy this infoproduct to expose thousands of other users who still do not know. If the campaign does not go well and you can not recover your investment, at least know you gave your product and marketing done with it. This is the retina of the users, and long term will also generate sales.

Bringing your product to the eyes of users is more important than everything else. Many articles blogging market sponsored by accessible prices (us included! Very accessible even!) And you're losing your ability to marketised infoproduct near those communities, and beyond can generate qualified sales leads, you can spread your brand and your work too.


If you do not like to invest, which is a poor indicator for someone who wants to succeed on the Internet, you still have the chance to make-Guest Posts on other blogs in your area, and to take advantage of under cover, to make known your infoproducts too. You obviously no blogger will allow you to publish your Ebook grauitamente, but you can write good content around the subjects examined in their infoproducts, and link to it so slow and natural, without that looks like a sponsored article or an analysis of infoproduct. In this strategy, the most important is the quality of its content. Caprice well for the audience of this blog is interest in the issues that you address, visit his blog, and become loyal readers of his work.


If you have a landing page to sell your infoproducts, you should take this opportunity to work on search engine optimization of that page, and to position it in the first place Google search terms related to the product itself . A good SEO work returns excellent conversions and does not cost anything beyond their work and dedication. Furthermore, organic traffic is traffic that converts better, which means that if you can direct some traffic to that page, you will be making several dozen sales a day easily, if you are a first position for a term widely researched, for example.

AND YOU, AS YOUR marketised infoproducts?

Use any of the above mentioned strategies for their marketised infoproducts or generate higher commissions on sales and conversions of traffic? What other strategies used have not mentioned? Leave your comment!

Until now!

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