domingo, 6 de novembro de 2011

15 strategies for getting more comments on your articles

Get more comments on your blog is probably one of your biggest challenges while blogging. With the increasingly widespread use of social media like Twitter and Facebook, it is increasingly difficult to attract the attention of their users for comments in structured and quality of your posts. However, there are several strategies you can implement in your blog to get users to engage all of your comment and make their items in real debates quality.

For you to understand more easily the importance of the comments on his blog, and really pay attention to it at the time and work to optimize your blog, you must first understand the advantages of receiving many comments and how it can help your blog get more traffic and thus generate more money in affiliate programs commissions and sales of own products.

     Visits - When you use a feedback system properly organized and well thought out, your readers also have the desire to comment, the blog will return often to see their responses to comments, and new comments from other readers. This generates more traffic to your blog, and therefore more pageviews.

     Engagement / Community - The more comments your articles get, the more you tend to give an image of popularity to other readers. Blogs with little or no feedback, tend to be seen as less popular blogs of others who receive many comments.

     Organic Traffic - It is true that Google indexes the blog comments, even more so now that has also started indexing your comments on Facebook. That means you can get any more visits to your blog through keywords long tail (long tail).

     Loyalty - The comments of your blog are also one of the best ways you can retain your most active readers, responding to your feedback and helping them solve their problems and issues. Obviously, this requires you to respond to comments.


Leave space for its users to respond. When you do an article too complex and / or loads of information which responds to almost every question, you do not leave room for your users to investigate, ask questions and seek to interact with your content. Normally when an article is "overly full" tends to only receive comments like "Great article. Thank you. "If the goal is to interact with the community, it is also important that you leave space open for the dialogue of its users.

Make the process as simple as possible

Whether you have a blog on WordPress, or a blog on Blogspot, or even in any other blogging platform, it is important that the process of commenting on an article is as simple as possible. If you give too many options to its users, it creates confusion and consequently less comments to the article. The ideal is to have a comments box with Name, Email and URL, then the space for the user leaving your comment. The more complicated the process of feedback, the worse the results. Try to avoid forcing users to register account in order to comment, to connect with your account from Google or Blogspot, or similar. The process of commenting on an article must be simple and straightforward.


There is nothing more powerful than asking directly to your users to leave their comments on the article you just published. Ask a question to readers is precisely the same as asking them to leave your opinion in a comment to the article. This is a call to action (call to action) that should be used masterfully, that actually works. If you are using in all its articles, for example, the effect is lost. It is also not recommended that you make more than one question at a time. This makes the response more complex and many users will give up to comment.

Links to Other bloggers in YOUR AREA

This strategy as well as being a way for you to make known the authors of your blog to other blogs, is also a way to receive comments from these authors. Strategies of this kind, with articles you link to 50, 60 or even 100 bloggers, generate dozens of comments on your blog.


These strategies are equally important to create the habit of commenting on your readers. When you create a habit, your readers tend to more easily feel the need to comment on your articles and be active and participating members of the community. If you want to stimulate, create an initiative on the comments of your blog.


This is one of the strategies more viral blog comments. It is precisely the same as you tell your users to do free advertising for their websites or social media profiles.

This is also an excellent way to generate discussion and user participation in content of your blog.

Offensive to their readers (in a good way) 

We use the Guerrilla Marketing to create a title that is controversial, and somewhat offensive, to awaken the interest of readers and generate an interesting debate in the comments.


More important to receive comments on your blog, is you have the willingness to respond. Any user who leaves a comment on a blog, are interested in receiving a reply from the author. If you do not give a timely response, the more likely it is that it does not come back to comment on his blog.

Responding to comments is a task that requires considerable time and dedication, but is also an excellent way for you to expose their views on the topics discussed, and help your users directly in issues that most affect them. Depending on the amount of comments we receive on your blog, you may have to spend about 4 to 5 hours per week to answer all questions and requests from readers, although you are ensuring that these users are loyal and become members assiduous in their community.


Alternative Systems for WordPress comments are an excellent way for you to improve the level of interaction with your readers. The Disqus, for example, allows you to replace the WordPress comment system with a new more robust system that allows users to, among other things, voted on user feedback, comments subscribe by email or RSS, filter comments popularity, etc.. These systems, when properly used, can be a great asset to your blog and to generate feedback on articles.


Many bloggers use the TOP of reviewers in the sidebar of your blogs to create an effect of necessity among its users in regard to the comment on articles. And truth be told, when there is a TOP, there is always a much more competitive among users so that they stand out from all others in regard to participation. So if you want to further encourage the community to comment on your articles, consider using a plugin like Top Commentators widget to create a TOP of the heaviest users comment on your postings.

If you want this TOP have even more impact on its users and the growing community around your blog, consider offering prizes to users who leave more comments every month in their articles. Create some rules for participation, and comments to avoid spam unnecessary or irrelevant, and offer prizes to the first 3 users who have left more comments on the blog over the past 30 days, for example.


After becoming the official Google is already indexing the Facebook comments on blogs that are used to generate more organic traffic quality for bloggers, this solution becomes extremely interesting to apply on blogs, such as personnel TechCrunch's already using on your WordPress blog. Given that Facebook has more than 800 million registered users, it becomes a very practical system to use and generates quality content for your blog too.

Allows users to subscribe to comments 

When you create a debate on a particular article, many users tend to leave a comment and subscribe to the comments that article in particular, to be notified whenever a new article is placed in that Article. If you do not offer the possibility to subscribe to the comments of your articles by email, you are losing a lot of comments and interaction to your blog. For those who use WordPress, the plugin creates Comments Subscribe to this functionality easily and can even be translated into only a few minutes.

DO NOT comment moderation

One of the things I learned in the first few months was that the blogger comment moderation is something that keeps readers comment. This is because they leave your comment and have a desire to see the comment automatically available on the site to be answered, rather than sit back and wait the comment is approved, and many authors take a long time to approve comments. Comment moderation should be done so, when there are irrelevant or obscene comments, and in these cases should be marked as Spam and Deleted. However, leave all comments in moderation is something that can affect the performance of interaction in their articles. Try to let all the comments come immediately to your blog, and see if that's not the most appealing to your readers more involved.


For those who do not know, there is a plugin called Thank Me Later that lets you configure an email type that is sent automatically by your WordPress to all users who leave a new comment on your blog. This is a way for you to strengthen your connection with these users and thank you for the time devoted to the response and participation in the comments of your article. Set a good email, with a positive message and thanksgiving, and its users in addition to being happy, they will feel like returning to the blog and comment more content.

Make comments on other blogs 

If you want the authors of other blogs to comment on the articles of your blog, you must first set the example. Go to these blogs and leave comments relevant users and can help the community. The more you comment on other blogs, the greater your chances of receiving comments from these authors in their own articles. Besides this advantage, you can also enjoy the comments on other blogs to marketised your personal profile, earn some extra traffic and start being more easily recognized by the blogosphere.

And YOU, how to stimulate the comments on your blog? 

Use one of the strategies we put in this article, to encourage its users to leave comments on the articles of your blog? Which one? Leave your comment and join the debate!

Until Now!

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